Wednesday, December 10, 2008

T'was the night before finals

Twas the night before finals, and all through the college,
The students were praying for last minute knowledge.
Most were quite sleepy, but none touched their beds,
While visions of essays danced in their heads.

Out in the taverns, a few were still drinking,
And hoping that liquor would loosen their thinking.
In my own dorm room, I had been pacing,
And dreading exams I soon would be facing.
My roommate was speechless, her nose in her books,
And my comments to her drew unfriendly looks.

I drained all the coffee, and brewed a new pot,
No longer caring that all my nerves were shot.

I stared at my notes, but my thoughts were muddy,
My eyes went a blur, I just couldn't study.
"Some pizza might help," I said with a shiver,
But each place I called refused to deliver.

I'd nearly concluded that life was too cruel,
With futures depending on grades had in school.
When all of a sudden, our door opened wide,
And Patron Saint Put-It-Off ambled inside.

His spirit was careless, his manner was mellow,
When all of a sudden, he started to bellow:
"On Cliff Notes! On Crib Notes! On last year's exams!
On Wingit and Slingit, and last minute crams!"

His message delivered, he vanished from sight,
But we heard him laughing outside in the night.
"Your teachers have pegged you, so just do your best.
Happy Finals to all, and to all, a Good Test!"

Saturday, December 6, 2008

I have failed

I have failed to keep this blog running properly (posting everyday). I have failed to keep this blog on its original purpose.

Grrrr. I will try to make it work.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


I just saw it. I LOVED it. There were things missing that I really wanted to see, but the overall was fantastic!

Saturday, November 15, 2008


I know its still a holiday away, but I'm watching Jack Frost. In it Jack, the father, dies around Christmas. My freshman year of high school my mom was really sick. There was a time that we thought there was no way she could get better. It was scary. I was fourteen and trying to figure out how I would survive without her. After nearly a month in the hospital something happened (not sure what b/c those details were never shared with me.) and she started to get better. Like I said, it was scary, but things turned out all right in the end.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Good plan!

Even though have a stack of unread books sitting just feet away from me, I am going to reread LYKY (I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You. See the reason for the short version.) by Ally Carter. I'm not going to read it because its closer, in fact I had to hunt it down (my sister had it for a year), but because every time I read a post on ally's blog (check the sidebar) I feel the need to read her books. Its not something that happens with other peoples blog/vlog. I'm not sure what it is, but I can't keep ignoring it. SOMETHING wants me to read her books again, so I shall.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Need some inspiration to get past frustration

Sometimes I feel like I'm falling behind. That I should have accomplished so much more than I actually have. I will hear a song, read a book, or watch a movie that involves someone my age and think "What did they do to get so far in life when I can't get past this road block?" I may have brought this on myself, but at the same time I don't know how or how to get past it. I want so much out of life that nothing seems possible.

Each time

Every time I think about the authors I've met or that I wish to meet I look at their books and think that I don't want to be one of the ones that figures out what they are good at later in life. I want to know now if I'll be good at writing. I want to know now if I can give someone the same experience I get when I read one of my favorite books. I don't feel like I know enough right now, but at the same time I feel like now is when I have to start. I want to be serious about something that will be there whenever I need it. It almost seems like I am using writing as a crutch to get through life. I didn't even write that in the way I meant. I am sure I've said this before, but I have always had certain things in my life. Chorus,when that was over I would do Drama. And band when it fit. Since those aren't big things anymore it seems to me that I replaced them with writing. Its not even a proper replacement b/c I don't work on anything unless I am extremely bored.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Yeah. I saw John again and I got to meet The Katherine and Hank. I got Hank's cd and the last Nerdfighter tour shirt. I took pictures with the three and it was an amazing evening.

Monday, November 3, 2008

tomorrow is a busy day

I am getting up at four, leaving the house before five (the faster the better), maybe wallmart for yarn (to make a hat and scarf), arrive at CHOA, eat breakfast, setup the table, sell lots of thing, eat lunch, sell a lot more stuff, pack up, drive home, wait in line, vote, eat, unpack, and then sleep. Oh and write about 2000 words somewhere in that.

Friday, October 31, 2008


Yup. I have fallen into the pit known as NaNoWriMo. When I emerge a completed 50,000 word novel will be before me.

A lot of people have been talking about it. Most of them were planning out what they would be writing about in advance. I didn't. The first progress I made on the story I've been working on came from five minutes I spent writing a note on facebook. I want to plan, but I have come up with better (and more) stuff without planning things out. I'll try to keep you filled in.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Things are still weird

I should start posting again everyday. That will be one step to make everything normal We still haven't restocked our fridge.

When I really like a book I tend to want multiple copies. On the list are: Wuthering Heights, Looking for Alaska, and Paper Towns. I own Two copies of PT (there are two covers) and I am bidding on an ARC right now. Looking for Alaska....I just went online and bought a first edition/first printing. Wuthering Heights has a lot of different covers, but the good thing is that there are a lot of them under eight dollars.

Monday, October 27, 2008

I forgot to mention...

When you go to an event on an author's book tour there is bound to be someone there asking for advice. John Green's Paper Towns tour was no different, however, it was the first time I had gotten to hear an author talk about nearly every aspect of his writing. He may not have realized it, but John green inspired me. Not the advice part, but just talking about what his day is like, how he learned to tell stories, and just being John. It was a cool experience.

I am awful at grammar. Must learn about grammar, again!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Good news

Almost everything is back to normal. We still haven't bought food, but I think that will happen tomorrow.

I didn't get to tell you what happened over the near two weeks of hotel life. I went and met John Green, youtube celebrity, author, and as of this coming week (thanks to the nerdfighters) NYT best seller! I was the coolest thing I've done in a while. His new book, Paper Towns, is absolutely fantastic. You should buy it. It's his third and his best. It can't be put into words how great it is.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm home!!!

Power: Check!
Cable: Check!
Phone service: Check!
Internet: Check!
Hot water: Almost check. (its warming up now.)

YAY!!!! Oh, how I have missed my home. The tree has been cut up. We now have firewood for when it gets colder. The hole that was in the side of the house is patched up thanks to our awesome neighbors. (One neighbor said he knew a guy and the guy is one of our neighbors as well.) The guy doing the work is going to stain the new wood and then pressure wash the rest of the house. Right now he is ripping up part of the roof because the previous owners had the roof "replaced". (They just put a layer over the old one. FYI: it was wrong.) Part of our roof will be done properly. We should get the entire thing done, but it will be a lot of money. I cleaned most of the freezer. I need to finish that and get the fridge as well.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Holiday Inn Express

That is where we are now. And...yeah.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


We have this one really big tree just off to the front of the house. Last night while I was at waffle house after the homecoming dance I got a txt saying that part of it fell down. It took the phone lines and cable with it, as well as some of the house. The power company came last night and said they could take the cable lines out, but we had to cut the power and have an electrician come and inspect the house. We also have to deal with the tree ourselves. After a few hours of trying to contact our insurance agent we went to a hotel. That is where I am now. Weee.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Game night

Woodstock lost. Dance tomorrow. It's kinda weird that I'm going.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Just saw the new trailer for Twilight. A-MAZING!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I love rain. It did cancel the parade, but I hadn't planned on going. I have to get money to Rachel for a ticket to the dance.

I can explain the shortness of this post. I have a headache. Woo.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Dress to impress

I got a dress for homecoming on Saturday. Game Friday. Parade tomorrow.

Monday, October 6, 2008


I don't think I got the job today. I guess I'll have to keep looking.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


I have an interview at Bath and Body Works. It's at three with a woman named Francis. I have no idea what I am going to wear. I do know that I use the products every day. We have the foaming hand soap in the bathrooms and the body wash in the shower. We have an air freshener in the living room and candles all over the house. I want to work there because it seems like a great place to be. I am always in a good mood after I walk trough those doors.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The book is so good

John Green is amazing. I am halfway through the book at I love it. There are little comment that make me go "Ah, that is just like me."

Friday, October 3, 2008


Paper Towns was delivered just now. It's not out until the 16th. Nerdfighters FTW!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I am

I'm watching Bridget Jones Diary: The Edge of Reason. I can't watch the parts where she embarrasses herself b/c i feel so bad for her. It's back on so I'm going to go.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

So arrogant

I have known this guy for two years now. He is friends with most of my friends. He does the same thing I did in high school. In a way he is me in guy form. Except he is better at everything he does. Acting, singing, and I just found out he plays guitar and the piano. Sounds like a dream guy, right?


I am finding out the bad things about him right now and they are weighing pretty heavy on all that is good about him. I found out he told this girl that she was a bad christian. This girl is the ideal image of teenage christian. That is bad in itself, but then he goes around acting like he is God's gift to Georgia. He is turning people against him and no one is willing to tell him that he needs to find a big slice of humble pie. I think I am going to to it. It's going to take the next week or so for me to really get up the nerve and to figure out what I am going to say, but I think he needs to hear it before it is too late.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I made a house today. So much fun. I haven't made one since I was five. Tomorrow I am doing a little bit of Christmas shopping. I have to wait until some time after four so that I have a car to go in, but I am excited.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Just like the movies

A flash back... only less flash and a lot more back. I went to my high school today. I've been there a lot the past 18 months just never for so long at one time. I was in the cafeteria and I just couldn't stop myself from replaying one day in my head. I could almost see it.

My freshman year I met this guy. Josh. He was amazing. And he gave the best hugs in the world. He was a senior that year so it was the only time I got to spend any time with him. Last October he was in a car wreck and died. The 23 of September was his birthday and the 22 of October marks the one year. The next few weeks are going to be hard because almost everything reminds me of him.

The day I played over again in my head was one that I spent with him.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


...That's a weird title for 11pm.

I had lunch today with three of my friends. We ate and then when to Starbucks...for two and a half hours. We got to talk about everything. It was wonderful. We then went to Target and looked at just about everything in the entire store. Rachel did end up in trouble because her dad never got the voice mail she left on his phone. I feel terribly responsible for that. Blake asked me to go with her to homecoming so she wouldn't be alone. Patrick....poor Patrick. He was the only guy that was able to come out with us.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I almost

I was going to get a new phone today, but it didn't happen.

Sorry about the one line posts.

Friday, September 26, 2008

I can't believe I didn't post

Yesterday I got the things to make red velvet cup cakes. Today I made them, but I ran out of time for the icing. I'll do that tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Happy National Punctuation Day!

I said it. Now, if only I was better at this comma thing.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I may be addicted to the show.

Monday, September 22, 2008


The show tonight was fantastic! I can't wait for next week.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Did I say something before?

About my family name being O'Coyne? I think i did, but this is something else. I mean, it is about the name just...yeah, I'll jump right in. I looked my family crests a few years ago. Now I understand not finding Coyne.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sent the day

With family. It was nice.

Friday, September 19, 2008


Woodstock won!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

It says I didn't post

I don't know what is going on.

I love you because...

I listened to some of the music for that show yesterday. Some of it its pushing past my limits, but there was one song i liked. But I do is the name of the song. It's nice. Well, I haven't eaten in hours so I need to go get some nutrients.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I bought more books. Three if you are wondering. One is Utopia. I am excited. Also John Green's second book. And... Gulliver's Travels

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I am putting pics on my computer, but its taking a long time. I didn't do coffee today but i think i may tomorrow. Not sure. I am going with my aunt to her doctors appt. just in case she is too tired to drive after. I need to be ready to go by 9:30 which means i should go shower now.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Did i miss it?

did i?

no. good. i just about flipped out. i am having coffee tomorrow. with my characters. a coffee chat.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

It's Sunday?

I thought yesterday was Monday. I.....have no clue why I thought that. I posted and saw what day it was. Why did I not believe Google?

I haven't outlined with post-its yet, but I had some awesome dreams last night that have given fresh hope.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


I have been looking through my new seveteen magazine. not a good thing when i have no money.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Revenge on the Radio

Its song of a band I'm listening to. I like it. Band's name is Danger is My Middle Name.

I listened/watched Taylor Swift's new video for Love Song. It inspired me. I have work to do and music to be inspired by.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


You know what today is. I'm just going to leave my post for today as it is now.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I am trying to do the everyday posting, but I seem to have forgotten how.

Yesterday I picked up a...poster board of sorts. That is where the post-its will go. Well, where they are. I got bored and made "art".

Evan went home today. Kim used my empathy to her advantage and I have agreed to work on moving to New Mexico. I'm not thrilled. I want Colorado.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Kim was holding out on me

She has TONS of post-its. The goob.

I want post-its to plot out my book. And characters. Do post-its stick on walls for a long time? I hope they do. I'll take a picture when I'm done.

Lets see. I'll start with one saying the main idea. Then move on to the big events hat make the main idea happen. After that I will make some say the little things that make the big events happen that cause the main idea.
It would look like this:
1 2 3
a b c a b c a b c

WOO! outline.

For characters....i will do family trees and connections to how everyone know each other.

Another day another drama.

I have a Britney Spears song stuck in my head. Its catchy.

I NEED to get post-its. Grrr. I keep forgetting.
AH HA!I can go now. I'll see if Kim (my sister) and Evan (her boyfriend) will go with me. I'll explain when I get back.

Monday, September 8, 2008


I'm not even there and yet I am stressed out. Please, don't make any dessert jokes. I went this past spring, but I didn't return for fall semester. I regret that decision and I knew I would. I keep going back and forth in my head about returning this coming spring. I know I should, but there is nothing more terrifying. If I return and get 30 credit hours I can transfer to...where ever. As it is, I am in a tough spot. I didn't pass my algebra class and I dropped one early in the semester. Apart it isn't bad, but together they have made my GPA....less than attractive.

I should go back. I need to go back.

If I do will you be there to support me?

Saturday, September 6, 2008


I have no idea how to post videos. I feel that having the link there will appease you. It's so cool. I can't wait. I'll have to put it on my calendar so as not to forget.)

Also, to any of my IRL friends I'll post it on facebook.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

That was enough

You have no idea how much a con can screw with your sleeping patterns.

I got home on Monday, but needed time to fix myself. Going days on just a few hours (pieced together over the four days) is hard. I didn't get to see get to see Hayden because the panel was canceled. (lame) I did, however, get to see Grant, Tango, Dustin, and Rob. Also Laurell K. Hamilton. We walked right by her. I'm talking two feet away. I bought a necklace that you put d4s in it for a gem stone look. and ear rings. Books., I think that was it. All around good time. Next year will be even better.

Oh! And we picked up a pirate. He was lost and we gave him a ride to the parade he was supposed to be in. He called us "some kind of crazy angels". I wanted to get a picture with him, but I never saw him again.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Not planned out

I am going to Dragon*con today. I am afraid I won't be able to post. I want to, but I'm not sure I will get the chance.

I still haven't gotten a dictionary. Or a new job.
I think the job should come first. Don't you?

We went out for food yesterday. As we were driving past Taco Ball we saw something....odd. A man, or boy, was laying across the roof of a van. Parked. But.....why was he there? He wasn't even in the middle of the roof. He was toward the side and back a ways.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Gah! I missed yesterday's post.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I signed off of aim yesterday and my friend got upset about it. I.....there are no words. I don't understand why it matters. I had to clean. If I don't get my room clean my laptop is going to be taken away. But I'm not going to tell him that. He can think whatever he wants. I don't care anymore.

Well, I do need to finish cleaning. Evan will be here tomorrow and I also need to help with the living room. I'll leave the drama out of the next post. Sorry about putting it in this one, but sometimes you just need to get things off your mind and put them somewhere else.

Good Luck with Philippians!

Monday, August 25, 2008


I have been cleaning my room for several hours. I know it hasn't been nonstop, but I need to stop. I have to find my bed so I can go to sleep tonight. Also, twitter is addicting.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Almost forgot to update. We did some cleaning. And I ordered Paper Towns by John Green. Happy Birthday, John!

He isn't going to see that. Oh well.

Now I remember why I don't post everyday. I never have anything to say. I'll aim for fun things to post tomorrow.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


On Wednesday my sister's boyfriend is coming (for two weeks). Friday starts Dragon*Con. And the football game that I (apparently) will not be attending.



Posting. But i have nothing to say. yet.

Waste of a post? Yes.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Keeping my word!

What? A post? No way!

Yes way. (I don't think that's a proper sentence.) Last night I made cookie dough. (from a mix) And just a bit ago I finished baking the cookies. They are cooling right now and when they are done I am going to decorate them to say "Happy Birthday, John! Hoo, Ha, Nerdfighters!" Minus the commas just because...well, I don't have a reason.

I have thirteen books I still want to read....but I am buying another one on the 24. AND I have a list of books that I still want. I should plant some trees to make up for it.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Epic Fail

Where have I been? What have I been doing that has keep me from updating like I use to?

Really, I can't figure it out. All I can come up with is being lazy. So here is to a fresh start. I will post as often as I can. Even if it several times a day. It's only fair to make it up to you.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Here it goes again

I keep wanting to post, but everything I think of is dumb. Dragon*Con is at the end of next week. As is the first game for my old high school. I don't want to go to an away game, but I haven't seen the halftime show and I really want to. Thats it for now.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Today has been pooish. I called out sick yesterday, because when I woke up my back was hurting badly and moving just wasn't something I was looking forward to doing. This morning I got up, dressed, and became nervous. I have never called out sick before and I didn't know what to expect. My sister told me they would just ask if I was okay. They did not ask. I was asked where I was yesterday "I was home sick" did you not call? "I did call" who did you call? "I called the front desk, because I wasn't sure who I needed to talk to. No one answered so I left a message." you need to have called your supervisor, which would be me. or you could have called Donna. i thought you didn't want to work anymore so i replaced you. "Should I call my dad and have him come get me?" yes.

I did not cry. In front of her. I managed to not cry until I was outside away from everyone.

The thing that really upsets me is that I did call. I did everything I needed to do. So...was I fired? I don't know. I'm not sure if she said she replaced me for today or just in general.

I guess that gives me an answer on whether or not I will be working there after this week.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Had my first day at Tommy Nobis. (I don't know if i spelled that right.) It was okay, i guess. I work mon-fri of this week and then i get to decide if i continue. i might do twice a week, but i'm not sure. it depends on how this week goes.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Finished reading Breaking Dawn. Finally. And now..well, I have more books to read, but I am going to work on my book again. I have let it sit long enough. It's time to get to work.

What do you do?

I am talking to someone I haven't seen in a few months. Just realized how much I missed him.

I need to get some new music so I can be inspired by something new. That about all I can put into words right now.

Monday, July 28, 2008

I just can't resist you

I have listened to the same song about twenty times.

Untouched by The Veronicas.

I might go out and spin some today. I miss it. (color guard) This isn't working. Blogging and listening to music that is catchy. So...later.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Holy shy

I just had it pointed out to me that I have this thing linked to my pants. Nerdfighters everywhere can come and look if they felt the need. Crap. I need to post more. Hi Nerdfighters!!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008



I am a rapping nerdfighter. My first public rap was senior year. In econ there is a major test that you need to pass to graduate. Because it is so important there are review sessions that you MUST go to. At one of these sessions each person was given a term. Mine was monopolistic competition. I sat and thought for a while and then came up with this little poem. When I said it to one of my friends it came out as a rap. She thought it was good so I stuck with it.

What is it? Oh, sorry. I didn't know you cared about it that much.

Monopolistic competition is the way to go. You get what you want without all the dough. So, if it tastes like sprite, but its got a different label don't think that its some made up little fable. Don't worry about what the others might say. The only difference is in what you're gonna have to pay.

Why tell you this? I am writing a breaking dawn rap.

Happy Dance

I am a nerd. And darn proud of it. (Nerdfighters ftw!) But some things confuse me. I finally figured out that IRL is "in real life". Um...okay. Couldn't they have said that? No, oh...well, fine.

I like research. Not on things like mushrooms and how to change the oil in your car (ride a bike instead). I like looking up how to tell if a book is first edition. I can do that now. I can't say what it is if it's not a first, but it helps. A bit. And I like finding out where the independent book stores are around me. Every author needs one as a friend. Thats not a rule, but when you want to do a signing for the first time being some place you know is nice. I like looking up writing tips (read. agents, and anything that I feel the need to know more about.

I want a dictionary. I have one. Well, my family owns two, but I want my own. The Compact Oxford English Dictionary to be exact. But its a lot of money. It's not going to happen. So, in a bit (more like four hours) I am going to go to a book store with my mother and see if there is one that catches my fancy.

I also want a thesaurus. (Not dictionary/thesaurus.) If I hadn't already known I was nerdy that would have tipped me off.

Last thing. You know Stephenie Meyer's new book Breaking Dawn? I am going to write a rap about it. If its any good I might post it on youtube.

Now, what is the plural of series...?

Friday, July 18, 2008


I think I may have...inspired someone. Now if Everly is reading this and I have said something she thinks is a false statement I hope she tells me.

Everly Pleasant is a writer. She has a blog here on blogspot. (I think I have it so the title links to her page.) I found her when I was looking at everyone that has writer listed as their profession. She had said something in one of her posts that I felt the need to reply to. You can drag your tush over to her blog to see what she said and what I had to say in turn. It is the July 11th post.

She mentioned my comment in one of her new posts. ("Pen in hand..." which made my day. the smallest things make me happy.) I haven't read the entire thing yet minute.

Wow. That's about all I can say to that post. It was perfect. I don't know if you will get the same thing out of it as I did, but I hope you do. I don't know how I helped "trigger" that because it inspired me.Not only that, but it made me think. It made me thankful. It put me in awe. so smart that you can see each thought that went into the words. I...can't even talk about it right now. I'll try later.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Grumble, grumble, blah, blah, blah

I forgot to listen to music when i post.

Heroes (you know, the show?)

So...I have been making art with the best quotes from the twilight series. The are cool. But I need to kick it up a notch so I made a few in advance (i post them on my facebook) so that I can spend time drawing some. I am not an artist, but I'll try my best. I need to finish the book I'm reading so I can reread the twilight books for the release or Breaking Dawn. It's what I did for Harry Potter. It's fun. Revisiting books before you enter the world to continue the story.

Any who. I have an episode to watch. Did I mention that I am meeting Hayden Panettiere? Well, I am. In August. Wooo!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Easy entertainment

Nope, sorry. No suggestions. What I going to say, however, makes me entertained. I love comments. They make me SO happy. Too happy, possibly. But they make my day. This blog has now had TWO comments. WOO!

Sorry. But I (kinda) warned you.

Everyone has been having problems making decisions. For me it's college. I spent a semester at the college I went to for band camp when I was in high school. Left me rewind a second. I first found out about the school when I was in tenth grade through my drama department. Then senior year I made guard and we went to the school for away camp. I loved the campus and it was just far enough away to let me feel like I could grow up with out my parents being RIGHT THERE. So, when I was freaking out about not getting into the local school My school popped into my head. I knew that one of my friends was going there and figured I should try it. Now before I say anything about the school you need to know that there is nothing wrong with it. It just wasn't right for ME. All through high school I had things to do. Chorus, Drama, and color guard took up a lot of my time and they were things I loved to do, but at My school I had nothing to do outside of class. It made me unhappy and I spoke often about quitting and going home. Even when all I had left were finals I still wanted to give up and leave.

That was my problem. Go back or find something new. I want a job. I need money for Dragon*Con. (Google it, please.) Talking to my mom on the floor or a Bed, Bath, and Beyond. I chose to go back. Tonight my dad question my choice. Once again, I don't know what to do.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The ages are...

I read a post talking about age, agents, editors, and writers. Too old are you might not get the right deal, too young and you might not be taken seriously. I added my two cents and I'll share with you as well.

"When you said something about a 19-year-old I had a moment of panic. I never thought about my age being an issue, but I understand that some people will see it as one. Being 19 can help me and it can hurt me. I haven't "seen the world", but I know how teenagers think, talk, and interact. Writing a book at my age is hard work, it is at any age, but I'm at the point where there are a thousand things I want to do with my time, and yet, I put those things aside to write."

I never thought about it the way this person had, but when I put my thoughts and feeling about the subject into written word I could see it in a new light. I am 19, and I know what I want to do with the rest of my life. I know what I will be doing 20 years from now even if it's just for me.

Monday, June 30, 2008


I got my ring today. You remember? The thing I ordered and almost lost. Well, it's here, on my finger, where it will stay until I have saved up for the one I really wanted.
Granted it is JUST a ring. There was nothing special added to it. No magic powers. It's just what it means to me. What it stands for. I think you are smart enough to figure out what that is exactly. If you are unsure, wiki can help. Or google.
It's a choice that I made for myself after a lot of thinking. Once you know what it means, if you feel the need to ask me about it go ahead and do so.

In other news, most of my music inspires certain things. Be it hope or just a creative muse. That happened today. It was almost annoying. I had to write a song. So, I did. I am going to work on it some more and talk to one of my friends that is starting a a label. He might let me record some stuff and put it up on myspace. If you haven't guessed yet, I love writing and music. Hence the learning of the guitar. I'll be working on that for a bit.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Bad news

I bought something the other day and it was supposed to be here today. The post office website says they came by but no one was home so they left a notice. WRONG. I was here until five when I went to get my sister. I got the email at two. Something is off here. 1) like I said. I was here. 2)so was my dad. 3) there was no notice. I know this because I am the one that got the mail at two. They give us the wrong mail all the time and I have this feeling that I won't be getting what I ordered.

Anyway, I live next to a racetrack and they are doing fireworks (big finish) right now.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Here it goes

I have a headache. WOOT!

Blue Oyster Cult Cities on flame with rock and roll

The music is because I am watching this guy on blogtv and it's what he is playing. He's funny. Not sure if he knows it. I do know that he is unaware I am a writer and he is inspiring a book as he speaks. And I'm not going to tell him, yet.

I don't say much in the chat, but everyone seems to be okay with it. Thats a good thing, I think. Well, I have run out of things to say for the moment. Maybe later.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

They try to pull me away

One of the blogs I read posts what music she is listening to while she updates. I like that enought that I may start doing it. Not that it changes what I have to say, but listening to music while you write something, while it may seem like it would be distracting, makes you focus on what you have to say and not the things that pop into your head otherwise. So, next post I'll let you know what I'm listening to. If you are curious now it's Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Long time no post

I think this may be the longest time I have gone without posting. I'll explain.

I'm sick.

Short and to the point. Well, I am very tired and I have a headache so this is it for tonight. I will have something to share one day within the next week. Not sure what day because I want something the arrive before I talk about it. So, we wait for the postal service.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

New View

Taking some time to look at what writing I have done. I need to see if there are thing that need changing and if so how they will affect the outcomes.

I have a last name now. (What? You didn't have one before?) I do have one and now I have a pen name. Christina Bradford. It might stick, but just in case I have a list of names that I really liked. It's funny thought because Bradford also happens to be the street I lived on until I was seven.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Long days

I was up before six today. It was fun until now. Well, no, about two hours ago is when the fun ended because all of my energy was spent. I am doing the same thing tomorrow, though. See you then.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

No question marks here

I am caught up on brotherhood2.0 now, which is vlog brothers these days. Nice change. Not sure about their site because, let's face it, I spent all my time watching their videos and slacking off. Now about the naming issue. I have a feeling every character that might have a role in F.C. (the book I'm writing with my sister) will be named before I have a last name from myself. What? Yeah, I want a pen name. Everything I want thought doesn't fit well. I am keeping Christina. (My handwriting isn't so hot, so be glad I'm keeping that part. I've had years of practice for that one.) My last mane on the other hand needs work. I mean, I love my last name, but what happens when I get married? I don't think anything will change, I just want to make sure. In the end if I give up on the pen name it'll be jokes. You know, whatever.

(PS-jokes means cool)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What happened?

The past two days I have gotten Kim to sit down and work with me on our book. We have details of our main character and we are working on naming some of the other people. I could have worded that better, but I am in a hurry.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sleep? Who needs it?

SO, sleep isn't something that I will experience for a few more hours. Why? Well, it feels like I drank ten cokes and about five coffees. I didn't. Just feels like I did. The good news is that I can write and edit. Or read. I still have ...six books on my list. Fun! You need to read a lot so you know what you like. And what not to do.

Work it out

I made a title page today. A proper one. And I numbered the pages. I am now going to read something my sister wrote for the book we are doing together. I also got a binder yesterday and some pens (red, every writer needs a red pen; green and blue, so we can write comments and know where they are and who wrote them. black, for my mother.). Well, I need to get more work done.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

That was funny

I made yesterday's post just now. Nobody? I'm the only one that finds it funny? Okay, that's cool. I did something dumb yesterday. I told my dad that I didn't want to go back to school so I could write. He asked if I would get a job while I write and I told him, "If you want me to." He said to talk to my mom. Then I brought up guard and my wanting to do that as well. It has become a fight between heart and soul.

My heart is in writing and my soul is in color guard.

What do I do? Oh, what do I do?
How will I know which one I should chose?
What's in my soul or what's in my heart?
With one of these things I must part.
A toss in the air
with jell in my hair.
Typing away
on the keyboard all day.
Can't have them both is the only rule.
A punishment so unusual and cruel.
How will I know which one I should chose?

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Well, yes. I am watching that movie while I write this. But that's not why it's the title.

Unexpected friendships or relationships, brought on by a serious of serendipitous (unplanned) events.

I like it. Might have to take advantage. I'm picturing it and it's amazing.

This is it.

80,000 words - 120,000
Do you see this book as part of a series?
As much as I would love to write a series I don't feel as thought the project I am working on now will evolve into something that needs multiple volumes to get the entire story out. If it does make that kind of transformation I will willingly and graciously accept it.

Back in the day

Yesterday I did research. Lots of it. I found some blogs that I added to my blog list so that I can go to them whenever. They post a lot of helpful entries. Now, I need to get back to work on that book. Later.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Busy Bee

I've been reading Meg Cabot's book Size 14 is not fat either. The main character Heather drinks her coffee with hot coca in it and every time I read it I would want to try it. So I did. Good stuff. I plan on mixing other drinks now.

Next. Stephenie Meyer's book tour. Asked my dad about it. He is going to talk to my mom tomorrow and see how we can go about that. My sister and I want New York or Seattle. LA isn't an option b/c I am trying out for color guard that day. We are a bit upset that we can only get one book signed. No pictures either. Kinda stinks. She isn't personalizing anything. That, in my opinion, is dumb. Why should someone be able to sell your book on ebay and get twenty/thirty bucks more than the book cost when you signed it for free. (I think the twenty dollars is for the guy that is singing.)

Third. Need to write and outline tonight. Morning. Oops, it's late. Did not know that.

Last. One of my friends is not being supportive. He won't talk to me at all. It's upsetting. Someone I thought would have my back...well, doesn't. I'm not sure what to do about him.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Almost but not

Almost crashed today. I drove my mom to the hospital and on the way to get my sister's hair done the car in front of me hit the brakes and I hit mine, but we slid. Must have only been an inch away. We ended up stopped on the train tracks. Scary. My chest hurt for a bit after that.

All write now. Baby, It's all write now!

Watching TRL right now to see what they have to say about Stephenie Meyer's tour. I'm stoked. My parents are talking about letting my sister and I fly to one of the four events. Cross your fingers. Meeting people that inspire you do to better is something that everyone should get a chance to experience. Last year I had the opportunity of meeting Scott Westerfeld at Dragon*Con. It was absolutely incredible. He signed a preview of his book Extras for me. It blew my mind.

This kind of stuff is proof that EVERYTHING you want from life is in reach.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Oh! One more thing...

The post about time.... I forgot to say that my plan/ goal is to have a book published by then. If I get my act back together I know it can happen.

Dream Big. Aim for the moon and the worst that can happen is that you'll land among the stars.

not Write now.

Just now saw that I had a comment. That was the most exciting thing of my day! Really. It was a whoa! moment. LOL. It reminded me not to change this into something pointless.

Okay, so I have a story to tell. I took a speech class last semester (UWG, if you were wondering) and we did mock interviews. You wrote about your dream job and then Honey would interview us. So, while writing about how I want to be an author...well, it was one) ironic and two) crazy funny. She asked me about what I want to write and who I like to read and what would make me the best choice. Not the best story I could have told you, but the answer is important. I want to write YA. And maybe SciFi/fantasy. (Why?) I can't do serious articles. And I wouldn't want to anyway. I am informal when I write. As you can see. Books can be written in many different styles. So, I can write like this and not offend everyone on the planet. I like YA because that's how my mind works. I'm 19. I have my adult moments, but I know what I like to read and I can write that way, I think. The SciFi/Fantasy thing is...well, I love vampires, zombies, werewolves, aliens, ghosts, ect. I love reading Meg Cabot, J.K. Rowling, Scott Westerfeld, Stephenie Meyer, P.C. Cast, and Kristen Cast. There are more. Trust me that there are so many authors that I like that I could fill a notebook. More importantly I admire them. Authors inspire me. And I mean ALL of them. I haven't always wanted to write. Its been less than a year since I realized it's what I anted to do, but in that short time it's become a passion.

The last question she asked is what, in my opinion, is the most important. I deal with things by writing about them. It's how I move on. The way I see it is that I am going to write until I can't. No matter what happens on this path that I've chosen I will write. Books, poems, songs, letters, diary entries, blog, whatever I can.

That's all for today. It's storming right now plus I want to write tonight so that I have something worth saying again tomorrow.


Writing two books and trying to play the guitar.

Hard stuff right there.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Hey, Honey. Lookin' good. How's the family?

Time. That's what has been on my mind.

Who were you nine years ago? I was the new kid. Just having finished my first classes in Woodstock. Still missing my friends. Wondering if we could go back.

What will you be doing in nine years? I will be going to my high school reunion.

Three of the people I became friends with in the last two months of school (in 4th grade. when i was the new kid) are still my friends today. Three. One of them I lived with for a bit. One I almost share a birthday with. And the last is just short a week older.

Next subject. Oh! I can't remember. Dang! Oh well, Later.

Put those Georgia stars to shame that night

How do you write about love if you've never been in it? Can you make it up? Or do you just watch a bunch of Disney movies? The princess ones not DCOM.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

That is the question

Should I? Might as well. In that case...

Randy? I don't get it. Whatever.

Like my blog?

Night, Keith.

Nothing goes write

So, I hate it when people refer directly to someone. In anything written, that is. Facebook's notes is okay, but not websites, myspace bulletins, blogs, etc. Just the same, I want to say something to someone. Just because I may (or may not) give him the link. I'm not sure. It's mostly stupid stuff on here. Not at all what I had planned for it. At some point he will have seen the site, but not yet. In the future (way out there where stuff gets blurry) I'll send it to him. By then he won't have a clue that this is about him.

So tonight, wait, no, this morning I feel like writing. It's exciting. The feeling that something good might actually come out of my writing time. I need to hurry this up and get to work before I fall asleep. I am tired, but there are ideas in my head that I want to get on paper (well, laptop really) before I go to bed.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

That how it's done

Good movie. Went to two grad parties yesterday. Had fun. Gave C.F. a Hannah Montana card. It was a birthday card. I hope he laughed a little. Robert Downey Jr. is hot. Sorry. Watching the MTV movie awards. Megan Fox just cussed. I was surprised. Anyway...

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Watching the movie tonight. Sex and the city.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Nor any other part

SATC. That's how he wrote it. Most just call it Sex. The show, I mean.

Went to a chorus concert tonight. It was what I expected. They sang this one song that Varsity did when I was a freshman. It's a beautiful song, but I couldn't listen to it. IT was one of the last times I saw one of my friends. The same friend that died last fall. It took everything in me not to cry. Maybe you understand. Maybe you don't. I am not expecting anything from....well, no one has read this yet. I don't think. So, not excepting anything from the internet goblins.

You're only a day (or so) away

I am planning on going to the midnight showing of Sex and the City Thursday night. I'm going to get my sister to go with me. Should be good.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Today, Tomorrow, and Forever

I went and bought a cd today. Taylor Swift. She's cool. Country, yes. Lame, no. She makes it work. It's nice. She has hidden messages in the lyric book. That's cool, too. I am adding it to my iPod right now. Which reminds me. I have a few other cds I need to add still.

To the book. I am writing two books right now. One with my sister (i need to outline that later tonight) and the other by myself (not sure what to do on that right now. it's just floating). Now I'm going to look at Shawn Speakman's page.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Hello Lover

Well, here we are. Finally something that isn't myspace or facebook. It's a nice change, I'm sure you agree. Seeing as this is the first post I won't go into too much detail about anything. After all, when you first meet someone you don't tell them EVERYTHING about yourself. You give a few details each time. I'll be funny later.