Wednesday, September 3, 2008

That was enough

You have no idea how much a con can screw with your sleeping patterns.

I got home on Monday, but needed time to fix myself. Going days on just a few hours (pieced together over the four days) is hard. I didn't get to see get to see Hayden because the panel was canceled. (lame) I did, however, get to see Grant, Tango, Dustin, and Rob. Also Laurell K. Hamilton. We walked right by her. I'm talking two feet away. I bought a necklace that you put d4s in it for a gem stone look. and ear rings. Books., I think that was it. All around good time. Next year will be even better.

Oh! And we picked up a pirate. He was lost and we gave him a ride to the parade he was supposed to be in. He called us "some kind of crazy angels". I wanted to get a picture with him, but I never saw him again.