Thursday, December 24, 2009

Gives me hope

I can't remember where I found the link, but i have spent several hours reading the posts. It amazes me what people will do. Kill them with Kindness as the saying goes. It inspires me. I wish to be like these people every day. Until the end of days. It's tiny things that people do that make me believe in something better. I admit that I have my moments of doubt, but this helps. It reminds me of the connection.

Also found operation beautiful. I'll be on the hunt for post its tomorrow before my family has Christmas brunch at my aunt's house. I'll sneak a post it on to their bathroom mirrors.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Right now I am listening to the wizard rock starter pack and writing a post for this blog when I should be working on my novel or making sure all the major homework assignments are taken care of before the day it's due. Well, at least I'm writing something. And I am almost positive that there isn't anything due this week.

I went to my high school this weekend and watched their fall show, The Papers. It was good, but my favorite show WHS has put on so far is Music Man. I admit I am a bit biased. I was in that show and it was my first production. This coming weekend I am going to their last football game of the year. It is senior night and I want to support my kids. It will however be the last high school football game I go to for a long time. I will also be going to the Art institute of Atlanta on Saturday. I am very excited about this! Well, I think my nails are dry and I need to go wash my hands so I don't feel like my hand is made of rock. See you later.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


I hope I have enough time to complete NaNoWriMo this year. I may start now and stop in 30 days. I know what I want to write about already.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Gives you hell

There is a guy sitting across from me. Sleeping. He was watching a movie on his laptop but kept falling asleep. So he closed it up and went to sleep. He just woke up b/c a door shut across from us.

I have to say that I love to blog. But in the long run it might mess things up. You never know if you will say something and a few years later someone pulls it up and twists your words. I'm not too worried b/c lets face it. I'm not saying things that will upset a ton of people. I should look at older posts to make sure that statement is true but I really don't feel up to it right now.

I received Oh. My. Gods. in the mail last Saturday. I've read three pages so far. It looks like it will be a fun read. I ended up rereading Let it snow. It's written by John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle. It's a good book.

Sleeping guy just had a girl wake him up and make him go with her. I'm going to assume it was his girlfriend.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

I won? haha. I won!

I won a book! I didn't even know about it until today.

Things in Ga.... have been crazy. The basement at my house didn't get flooded like the houses on the news,but a few inches did come in under the doors and soaked the carpets and the drywall we had down there that was going to be used in the living room. The boxes of holiday decorations were soaked as well, to this weekend I will be going home to remove things from those boxes and put them in the plastic storage my mom picked up two of three days ago.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Missing someone with all of me.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Little voice in my head

I didn't know that if you start to reconnect with a TV character you pick up little things from them. I seriously just started thinking about what I would say in this post and the voice in my head sounded like Buffy Summers. You know... SMG? It was WEIRD.

When I post this it might be on Sunday so each time I say today you need to know that I mean Saturday. Today (Saturday. Just wanted to help with that one.) I met four authors. One of which I REALLY wanted to see, a second that I thought was a different person, but turned out to be someone I would have LOVED to meet had I not had a brain fart, a third that I knew was an author when he walked up to the shelf I was at and started signings his books, and the fourth was there to meet the first b/c they have the same agent and b/c her first book comes out in a month. I Googled her and realized why she was so familiar looking. One of the blogs in my blog list posted about her a few weeks ago. I wish I had been able to be more excited for her when she told me that. I also met an unofficial author. As in she is trying to be a writer. She is "working on it". I wish er the best of luck. Had I not been 1)tired (I went into Atlanta before the signing to try and buy Dragon*Con tickets for next year) and 2) distracted (My mom wandered away leaving me nobody to (comfortably) talk to I would have been able to enjoy the day to its fullest. I guess I still have some of my vlogging habits intact b/c I know I enjoyed everything about today even though I didn't know it right that second.

I guess you want to know who I met. So... I'll tell you.
1- Ally Carter
2- Lauren Myracle
3- Lang Buchanan (It's two people, but the guy was there)
4- Janice Hardy

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

'Ello love

Last night was terrible. It took forever for me to fall asleep and when I did I had the worst dream I've had in a long time. I am almost positive that I cried.

I think I know why last night was so bad. I had a coffee. I went so long with out having coffee that every time I do now it freaks out my body. It's the coffee that kept me awake. I watched an episode of BTVS and when it was over I tried to sleep again. I should have watched a second episode because I ended up staying awake for another hour. It upset me so much that when I fell asleep the feeling transferred into dream land. The dream was about my dad. All I remember is that I had to take him to the ER and that my mom wasn't there yet. The waiting room looked like a fast food restaurant so I knew it was a dream, but I couldn't talk myself into waking up.

I didn't think about it until I made my own coffee this afternoon. I am worried that tonight will be worse. It scares me to the point that I don't really want to sleep.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

You've got me laughing

While I sing.

I love Demi Lovato. I don't care if she is from disney. She rocks!

I am back at school and I still seem to fail at blogging. I'm going to work on that. Really, I will! I give you my word. If I don't start blogging more I will post a video link of me dancing. The Hoedown Throw-down.

Yes, the Hannah Montana dance.

My friend Kai had to learn it. Funniest thing EVAR!

I am thinking about changing majors. Right now I'm an English major. Writing is still a passion, but would you want me to be the one teaching your kids about grammar?

If you are unsure about the answer, I'll give you a hint. Say "NO". I only learned this year the difference between "it's" and "its".

It's not really my fault. Well, I guess you could look at it from a certain angle and say it is, but really, It's not. Let's go into a bit of back story. I was born 50% deaf. I had ear-tubes (that look like Christmas trees, btw) and I got my hearing "back". The thing is that While I had those tubes, I was learning language. And By language I mean I was learning how to talk. The way kids learn language is by listening. Seeing what their parents say when they touch things. Or watching Barney, etc. SO I was learning to repeat what I heard. Most of which I heard wrong. I still remember thinking to the color yellow was called lellow. It's close, but wrong.

Back story not even near being over, but I think I'll finish later tonight or tomorrow.


Monday, June 22, 2009

Lost in thought?

I started watching lost back in April. Then I got back into reading (I have finished 10 books in the past four or five weeks) and I just haven't had the time to update this blog. I haven't even made a youtube video for my own channel since....April. I give my word that I will try harder to post.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Something of Note

That title is wrong is so many ways. I just looked at the 2008 posts. There are over a hundred. So far in 2009....4. Not going to let that stay like that. I am sitting in my class waiting to take my first final. Everyone is studying...except me. Whatever though. Cramming doesn't work.

There is a guy taking a picture of us. Weird... Still there....

Anyway. Started the vlog project on youtube. Fantasmicnerds. I am Thursday (don't know if I've said that yet).

Still there...

Dude is freaking me out. A lot. I need to stop now. I'll try to post a lot this month.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I just...gah

Again with the no blogging. How can I be a writer if I don't... you know.... write? There really isn't anything exciting to report. School ends this coming week. Tomorrow is my last class. The I have a final on Friday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Then summer starts. I still need to find a job. Money...I miss the days of being able to trade things. I wasn't alive when that was how most things were "bought", but I'm guessing it was a good time to shop.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Epic fail

I haven't posted in over a month! How could I?

I have been busy with classes, papers, exams, and the like, but I have had free time. In all honesty, it's just because I'm lazy. I reread John Green's Paper Towns and Maureen Johnson's 13 Little Blue Envelopes. I am currently reading another one of John's books, An Abundance of Katherines. I've tried to read it before, but I just could not get into it. is wonderful. It's all about your frame of mind. When I tried to read it before I had just read his other two books and was absolutely in love with those stories that I didn't want to read anything.

Because I've gotten back into reading I have also started thinking about writing. The reason I say thinking is because I have actually worked on anything. I'm just playing around with names and personalities. It's just a fun thing right now.

I am taking six classes this semester. Two are astronomy. These (and my history class) are my favorites. I am thinking about doing a full month of vlogging. If so I'll post the site link to my channel. And I give you my word that I WILL post more. It feels good being about to talk about things. I've missed this.

Well, I have some movies here next to me that are almost demanding to be watched.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Loud music and all i get is the beat

The room next door loves loud music. The room above likes to stomp instead of walk. Here is to four months I'm posting a short little goob of a video on youtube right now.

Yes, I just said goob.

What happened to my picture? Where did it go?

Friday, January 2, 2009

New year!

I love 2009 already. I feel like something amazing is about to happen and I am in the front row. That is all for now. I have a song in my head and I need to write it down fast.