Thursday, November 20, 2008


I just saw it. I LOVED it. There were things missing that I really wanted to see, but the overall was fantastic!

Saturday, November 15, 2008


I know its still a holiday away, but I'm watching Jack Frost. In it Jack, the father, dies around Christmas. My freshman year of high school my mom was really sick. There was a time that we thought there was no way she could get better. It was scary. I was fourteen and trying to figure out how I would survive without her. After nearly a month in the hospital something happened (not sure what b/c those details were never shared with me.) and she started to get better. Like I said, it was scary, but things turned out all right in the end.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Good plan!

Even though have a stack of unread books sitting just feet away from me, I am going to reread LYKY (I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You. See the reason for the short version.) by Ally Carter. I'm not going to read it because its closer, in fact I had to hunt it down (my sister had it for a year), but because every time I read a post on ally's blog (check the sidebar) I feel the need to read her books. Its not something that happens with other peoples blog/vlog. I'm not sure what it is, but I can't keep ignoring it. SOMETHING wants me to read her books again, so I shall.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Need some inspiration to get past frustration

Sometimes I feel like I'm falling behind. That I should have accomplished so much more than I actually have. I will hear a song, read a book, or watch a movie that involves someone my age and think "What did they do to get so far in life when I can't get past this road block?" I may have brought this on myself, but at the same time I don't know how or how to get past it. I want so much out of life that nothing seems possible.

Each time

Every time I think about the authors I've met or that I wish to meet I look at their books and think that I don't want to be one of the ones that figures out what they are good at later in life. I want to know now if I'll be good at writing. I want to know now if I can give someone the same experience I get when I read one of my favorite books. I don't feel like I know enough right now, but at the same time I feel like now is when I have to start. I want to be serious about something that will be there whenever I need it. It almost seems like I am using writing as a crutch to get through life. I didn't even write that in the way I meant. I am sure I've said this before, but I have always had certain things in my life. Chorus,when that was over I would do Drama. And band when it fit. Since those aren't big things anymore it seems to me that I replaced them with writing. Its not even a proper replacement b/c I don't work on anything unless I am extremely bored.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Yeah. I saw John again and I got to meet The Katherine and Hank. I got Hank's cd and the last Nerdfighter tour shirt. I took pictures with the three and it was an amazing evening.

Monday, November 3, 2008

tomorrow is a busy day

I am getting up at four, leaving the house before five (the faster the better), maybe wallmart for yarn (to make a hat and scarf), arrive at CHOA, eat breakfast, setup the table, sell lots of thing, eat lunch, sell a lot more stuff, pack up, drive home, wait in line, vote, eat, unpack, and then sleep. Oh and write about 2000 words somewhere in that.