Sunday, September 6, 2009

Little voice in my head

I didn't know that if you start to reconnect with a TV character you pick up little things from them. I seriously just started thinking about what I would say in this post and the voice in my head sounded like Buffy Summers. You know... SMG? It was WEIRD.

When I post this it might be on Sunday so each time I say today you need to know that I mean Saturday. Today (Saturday. Just wanted to help with that one.) I met four authors. One of which I REALLY wanted to see, a second that I thought was a different person, but turned out to be someone I would have LOVED to meet had I not had a brain fart, a third that I knew was an author when he walked up to the shelf I was at and started signings his books, and the fourth was there to meet the first b/c they have the same agent and b/c her first book comes out in a month. I Googled her and realized why she was so familiar looking. One of the blogs in my blog list posted about her a few weeks ago. I wish I had been able to be more excited for her when she told me that. I also met an unofficial author. As in she is trying to be a writer. She is "working on it". I wish er the best of luck. Had I not been 1)tired (I went into Atlanta before the signing to try and buy Dragon*Con tickets for next year) and 2) distracted (My mom wandered away leaving me nobody to (comfortably) talk to I would have been able to enjoy the day to its fullest. I guess I still have some of my vlogging habits intact b/c I know I enjoyed everything about today even though I didn't know it right that second.

I guess you want to know who I met. So... I'll tell you.
1- Ally Carter
2- Lauren Myracle
3- Lang Buchanan (It's two people, but the guy was there)
4- Janice Hardy

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