Monday, September 29, 2008

Just like the movies

A flash back... only less flash and a lot more back. I went to my high school today. I've been there a lot the past 18 months just never for so long at one time. I was in the cafeteria and I just couldn't stop myself from replaying one day in my head. I could almost see it.

My freshman year I met this guy. Josh. He was amazing. And he gave the best hugs in the world. He was a senior that year so it was the only time I got to spend any time with him. Last October he was in a car wreck and died. The 23 of September was his birthday and the 22 of October marks the one year. The next few weeks are going to be hard because almost everything reminds me of him.

The day I played over again in my head was one that I spent with him.

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