Wednesday, October 1, 2008

So arrogant

I have known this guy for two years now. He is friends with most of my friends. He does the same thing I did in high school. In a way he is me in guy form. Except he is better at everything he does. Acting, singing, and I just found out he plays guitar and the piano. Sounds like a dream guy, right?


I am finding out the bad things about him right now and they are weighing pretty heavy on all that is good about him. I found out he told this girl that she was a bad christian. This girl is the ideal image of teenage christian. That is bad in itself, but then he goes around acting like he is God's gift to Georgia. He is turning people against him and no one is willing to tell him that he needs to find a big slice of humble pie. I think I am going to to it. It's going to take the next week or so for me to really get up the nerve and to figure out what I am going to say, but I think he needs to hear it before it is too late.

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