Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Today has been pooish. I called out sick yesterday, because when I woke up my back was hurting badly and moving just wasn't something I was looking forward to doing. This morning I got up, dressed, and became nervous. I have never called out sick before and I didn't know what to expect. My sister told me they would just ask if I was okay. They did not ask. I was asked where I was yesterday "I was home sick" did you not call? "I did call" who did you call? "I called the front desk, because I wasn't sure who I needed to talk to. No one answered so I left a message." you need to have called your supervisor, which would be me. or you could have called Donna. i thought you didn't want to work anymore so i replaced you. "Should I call my dad and have him come get me?" yes.

I did not cry. In front of her. I managed to not cry until I was outside away from everyone.

The thing that really upsets me is that I did call. I did everything I needed to do. So...was I fired? I don't know. I'm not sure if she said she replaced me for today or just in general.

I guess that gives me an answer on whether or not I will be working there after this week.

1 comment:

Everly Pleasant said...

Oh dear, I hope things work out okay!