Monday, June 30, 2008


I got my ring today. You remember? The thing I ordered and almost lost. Well, it's here, on my finger, where it will stay until I have saved up for the one I really wanted.
Granted it is JUST a ring. There was nothing special added to it. No magic powers. It's just what it means to me. What it stands for. I think you are smart enough to figure out what that is exactly. If you are unsure, wiki can help. Or google.
It's a choice that I made for myself after a lot of thinking. Once you know what it means, if you feel the need to ask me about it go ahead and do so.

In other news, most of my music inspires certain things. Be it hope or just a creative muse. That happened today. It was almost annoying. I had to write a song. So, I did. I am going to work on it some more and talk to one of my friends that is starting a a label. He might let me record some stuff and put it up on myspace. If you haven't guessed yet, I love writing and music. Hence the learning of the guitar. I'll be working on that for a bit.

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