Saturday, December 4, 2010

Three seconds*

Going to normal college and taking normal classes is driving me INSANE! I don't care when Italy became known as Italy. I want to make opening sequences and pick music to play during the important parts of fictional characters lives. And not have to rant about books, scripts, and movies that have been ruined because they didn't hire me! Damn it!

Yes, I can ask you if you want to see Harry Potter, but I can't tell you how to make it look like a tornado is about to rip your house out of the ground. And yeah, sure, I can write and present a speech with a fever and get a B, but I have never given a pep talk before filming the first scene of a project.

I don't care about statistics or economics. I don't want to learn how to ask for a pen in German. I just want to make a movie that I can be proud of and that my friends will enjoy. One that they don't have to lie when they tell me the like it. I want to make a movie they adore. I want to create characters they love with a soundtrack that kiss ass. I want the opening credits to make your jaw drop. And I want the end credits and music to be so good you stay until the very end. (Which I will then reward you for by having an extra clip when it's over.)

*This is how far away I am from dropping out of KSU. I'm frustrated. I love the people at this school, but I want to study film, not the theory of film. I want a camera in my hands and editing software on my computer. I want a script in my bag and a pen nearby to make edits.

EDIT: Just looked at my horoscope for today (Sunday).
Although today may be your day off, you still retain a strong desire to know where you are heading in your chosen profession. Your general career path may be the topic of a hot discussion now. But don't try to reach any final decisions or make a detailed action plan for what comes next. Instead, just give yourself the physical and metaphysical space to dream as big as you can, because nearly anything is possible. The greatest limitations at this time will arise from within your own mind.

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