Friday, August 29, 2008

Not planned out

I am going to Dragon*con today. I am afraid I won't be able to post. I want to, but I'm not sure I will get the chance.

I still haven't gotten a dictionary. Or a new job.
I think the job should come first. Don't you?

We went out for food yesterday. As we were driving past Taco Ball we saw something....odd. A man, or boy, was laying across the roof of a van. Parked. But.....why was he there? He wasn't even in the middle of the roof. He was toward the side and back a ways.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Gah! I missed yesterday's post.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I signed off of aim yesterday and my friend got upset about it. I.....there are no words. I don't understand why it matters. I had to clean. If I don't get my room clean my laptop is going to be taken away. But I'm not going to tell him that. He can think whatever he wants. I don't care anymore.

Well, I do need to finish cleaning. Evan will be here tomorrow and I also need to help with the living room. I'll leave the drama out of the next post. Sorry about putting it in this one, but sometimes you just need to get things off your mind and put them somewhere else.

Good Luck with Philippians!

Monday, August 25, 2008


I have been cleaning my room for several hours. I know it hasn't been nonstop, but I need to stop. I have to find my bed so I can go to sleep tonight. Also, twitter is addicting.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Almost forgot to update. We did some cleaning. And I ordered Paper Towns by John Green. Happy Birthday, John!

He isn't going to see that. Oh well.

Now I remember why I don't post everyday. I never have anything to say. I'll aim for fun things to post tomorrow.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


On Wednesday my sister's boyfriend is coming (for two weeks). Friday starts Dragon*Con. And the football game that I (apparently) will not be attending.



Posting. But i have nothing to say. yet.

Waste of a post? Yes.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Keeping my word!

What? A post? No way!

Yes way. (I don't think that's a proper sentence.) Last night I made cookie dough. (from a mix) And just a bit ago I finished baking the cookies. They are cooling right now and when they are done I am going to decorate them to say "Happy Birthday, John! Hoo, Ha, Nerdfighters!" Minus the commas just because...well, I don't have a reason.

I have thirteen books I still want to read....but I am buying another one on the 24. AND I have a list of books that I still want. I should plant some trees to make up for it.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Epic Fail

Where have I been? What have I been doing that has keep me from updating like I use to?

Really, I can't figure it out. All I can come up with is being lazy. So here is to a fresh start. I will post as often as I can. Even if it several times a day. It's only fair to make it up to you.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Here it goes again

I keep wanting to post, but everything I think of is dumb. Dragon*Con is at the end of next week. As is the first game for my old high school. I don't want to go to an away game, but I haven't seen the halftime show and I really want to. Thats it for now.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Today has been pooish. I called out sick yesterday, because when I woke up my back was hurting badly and moving just wasn't something I was looking forward to doing. This morning I got up, dressed, and became nervous. I have never called out sick before and I didn't know what to expect. My sister told me they would just ask if I was okay. They did not ask. I was asked where I was yesterday "I was home sick" did you not call? "I did call" who did you call? "I called the front desk, because I wasn't sure who I needed to talk to. No one answered so I left a message." you need to have called your supervisor, which would be me. or you could have called Donna. i thought you didn't want to work anymore so i replaced you. "Should I call my dad and have him come get me?" yes.

I did not cry. In front of her. I managed to not cry until I was outside away from everyone.

The thing that really upsets me is that I did call. I did everything I needed to do. So...was I fired? I don't know. I'm not sure if she said she replaced me for today or just in general.

I guess that gives me an answer on whether or not I will be working there after this week.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Had my first day at Tommy Nobis. (I don't know if i spelled that right.) It was okay, i guess. I work mon-fri of this week and then i get to decide if i continue. i might do twice a week, but i'm not sure. it depends on how this week goes.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Finished reading Breaking Dawn. Finally. And now..well, I have more books to read, but I am going to work on my book again. I have let it sit long enough. It's time to get to work.

What do you do?

I am talking to someone I haven't seen in a few months. Just realized how much I missed him.

I need to get some new music so I can be inspired by something new. That about all I can put into words right now.