Thursday, September 6, 2012

Oh... hey

I know I don't post much here anymore. I'm not going to apologize or say I'll do better. I won't. It's not a habit to write a blog entry every day, or every month, and I have no intention of making it one. I will however give an update on things. You might be curious... or not. I'm almost positive no one reads this anyway, but just in case I or someone else starts to wonder about what was going on in my life when I was 23, I'll post something here today.
I work as a cashier at a grocery store about an hour north of Atlanta, Georgia. I make an okay amount of money, but things are still tight. I live with my dad and sister. As of this past Saturday, the van is dead. We have no car. The only way Kim and I have been getting to and from work is by getting rides with other people. We need to buy a car soon! My parents are divorced and have been since March. Although my dad wasn't informed of this until May. I'm not thrilled with his lawyer for that one. I spent my birthday at Universal in Orlando. It was kind of amazing. I went to Hogwarts! I am not in school right now, but I hope to go back in January.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

book signings and screenwriting

I went with a friend to meet Ally Carter today. While we were at B&N I picked up a copy of Essentials of Screenwriting by Richard Walter. Here's hoping it's good first step into the world of screenwriting!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Just checked out the views for this thing. There are more of you than I thought. Mainly because no one seems to comment (hint hint).

I really need to post more.

Just a quick update:
This started as something to track my writing (for a book) and I think it will be transitioning into tracking my writing (for a screenplay). Writing is just another art form I've added to my ever growing list of interests. The good news is everything I'm in to... all the different art forms... blend perfectly into film.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Three seconds*

Going to normal college and taking normal classes is driving me INSANE! I don't care when Italy became known as Italy. I want to make opening sequences and pick music to play during the important parts of fictional characters lives. And not have to rant about books, scripts, and movies that have been ruined because they didn't hire me! Damn it!

Yes, I can ask you if you want to see Harry Potter, but I can't tell you how to make it look like a tornado is about to rip your house out of the ground. And yeah, sure, I can write and present a speech with a fever and get a B, but I have never given a pep talk before filming the first scene of a project.

I don't care about statistics or economics. I don't want to learn how to ask for a pen in German. I just want to make a movie that I can be proud of and that my friends will enjoy. One that they don't have to lie when they tell me the like it. I want to make a movie they adore. I want to create characters they love with a soundtrack that kiss ass. I want the opening credits to make your jaw drop. And I want the end credits and music to be so good you stay until the very end. (Which I will then reward you for by having an extra clip when it's over.)

*This is how far away I am from dropping out of KSU. I'm frustrated. I love the people at this school, but I want to study film, not the theory of film. I want a camera in my hands and editing software on my computer. I want a script in my bag and a pen nearby to make edits.

EDIT: Just looked at my horoscope for today (Sunday).
Although today may be your day off, you still retain a strong desire to know where you are heading in your chosen profession. Your general career path may be the topic of a hot discussion now. But don't try to reach any final decisions or make a detailed action plan for what comes next. Instead, just give yourself the physical and metaphysical space to dream as big as you can, because nearly anything is possible. The greatest limitations at this time will arise from within your own mind.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


These past weeks have been interesting. Stressing out over school, thinking about the next year, wondering if I'll ever get to study film, making new friends, seeing harry potter. It's been a busy time. But I am enjoying myself. I do know that I want to be here until September. After that I don't know what will happen. It really depends on what happens between now and then.

Monday, August 16, 2010

New semester

School started today. I kept thinking it was going to be different from UWG, but KSU is still just a school. I do like the room I was in today. If I get the same seat the rest of the semester that will be nice.

I only had one class today. Computers and your world. ("Not my world. Your world is different from my world. I'm an old fart." - R. Shaver) It was good. We can't have our computers on during class, but other than that it should be great. We watched a youtube video, heard a really good joke, and heard Shaver cuss. Five times. In two minutes. It should be a good semester with this class.

Tomorrow I have three classes. French - I can't use English properly so this should be interesting. History - In the first email the professor sent out he called himself an idiot. Who knows how this will go? And Public speaking - I've taken a similar class before so this shouldn't be too terrible.

I'll let you know how things go.

Monday, August 9, 2010

I did try

Warning: I am extremely vague in this post. You can just skip down to the good news I posted.

I did the one thing I wanted to avoid. In a way, I did two things. Neither favorable. I told someone. That's the second thing. The first is who I told. The one person I know for a fact is off having a blast far away from whatever might be happening in their life.

I did try to keep it in, but they were online and today... today was notsome and I let it get to me. I wanted to let this person have their fun and not bother them with something stupid. Clearly, I failed. And then I ran. Not actual running. I just sort of... closed the page. I am such a child. I should "go back" but I really didn't want to say anything. Ugh! I am so mad at myself for this. What I think makes it worse is that we aren't even close. I would like us to be, but not because of something like this! It's my own fault, really. Like most things.

They did say they were in a dream world. Not now, but when they had to be around a similar thing. The only problem is that I handled (or, more appropriately, didn't handle) Josh's death by doing that. I just started getting things back to normal. Going back would kill me. Not a very good dream world, is it?

The good news of the day: I did beat Bayonetta this morning. And I noticed a pattern forming. The two games I've beaten are Bayonetta and Batman. Things they have in common? Well, B's. And characters wearing tight black leather. What does this say about me?